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Ahmed Sherif

Dr. Ahmed Sherif

Associate Professor

  • PHD - Tennessee Technological University (2017)
  • MS - Egypt Japan University Of Science & Technology (2014)
  • BS - Al Azhar University (2007)

CE 210 - Digital Logic
CE 350 - Wireless and Network Security
CE 420/260 - Computer Networks
CE 450 - Advanced Security and Privacy Techniques
CE 430 - Senior Design Project
CE 230 - Computer Systems
COS 781-Topics in Computational Sciences
COS 791-Research in Computational Sciences
COS 898-Dissertation
CSC 492-Computer Science Problems I

  • Privacy-Preserving Blockchain-based Energy Trading Schemes for Electric Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
  • Privacy-Preserving Non-Participatory Surveillance System for COVID-19-Like Pandemics, IEEE Access,
  • Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Ridesharing Organization for Transferable and Non-Transferable Services, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2021,
  • MDMS: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Multidimension and Multisubset Data Collection for AMI Networks, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, 2019,
  • Privacy-Preserving and Collusion-Resistant Charging Coordination Schemes for Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing , 2021
  • Privacy-Preserving Ride Sharing Scheme for Autonomous Vehicles in Big Data Era, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, 2017,
  • Privacy-Preserving Fine-Grained Data Retrieval Schemes for Mobile Social Networks, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, 2019,
  • Ef铿乧ient and Privacy Aware Hardware-based Authentication Scheme for AMI Network, IEEE SoutheastCon 2020 conference,
  • Digital Transformation and Emerging Technologies for Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic: Innovative Approaches, 2021
  • Efficient Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Data for Multi-Data-Owner Settings, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2018,
  • Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Arabic (Native or Bilingual)
  • English (Full Professional)

Contact Me

Chain Technology Center (TEC) 329



Areas of Expertise

Cryptography and network security; Cybersecurity; Security and privacy-preserving schemes in Autonomous Vehicles(AVs), Vehicular Adhoc Networks(VANETs), Internet of Things (IoT) applications, and Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) network.