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SPSE Scattering

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The School of Polymer Science and Engineering operates a state-of-the-art 10m Xenocs Xeuss 2.0 SAXS/WAXS lab beamline. The beamline facility is accessible to academic, government, and industrial researchers interested in characterization of nanostructure in polymers and soft matter.  

Faculty Contact: Dr. Xiaodan Gu (xiaodan.guFREEMississippi)
Instrument Location: PSRC 238

Technical Specifications and Features of the Xeuss 2.0

X-Ray source: Microfocused Cu K-alpha
Detector: Pilatus 1M detector and Pilatus 300k detector
Accessible Size Scale:  0.15nm to 600nm, or Q range: 0.001 to 4 A-1
Sample Environments: Linkam heating/cooling stage (-100 to 350 C), Linkam tensile stage, liquid flow cell for solution scattering, grazing incidence scattering stage, rotation stage.
Sample Requirement: powder samples, molded bulk film, solution, polymer thin film on substrate. 

What information can x-ray scattering provide for your research?

  • Determine the crystalline structure and degree of crystallinity for polymers in bulk and thin film state
  • Determine the phase of self-assembled block-copolymers or liquid crystalline polymers
  • Reveal spatially resolved structural variations due to processing such as injection molding
  • Test the tensile properties of polymers or follow the degree of crystallinity during controlled cooling
  • Investigate thickness and morphology of polymer and composite films
  • Characterize the size, shape and distribution of rubber-fillers or polymeric colloids and micelles in dispersion

Contact Us

School of Polymer Science and Engineering

202 Thames Polymer Science Research Center

Campus Hattiesburg

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